#OurHearts are healthier together.
#OurHearts eat healthier together. Get heart healthy for life by following the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan. It can help lower high blood pressure. It requires no special foods and provides daily and weekly nutritional goals. Support your loved ones in their effort to stick to DASH by doing the following together: pick out recipes to try, go grocery shopping for ingredients, cook heart healthy versions of family favorites, eat the meals you've prepared.
Get involved! Become a social media Warrior!
Additional Resources
Health and community professionals can use the materials in this toolkit to raise awareness about heart health and the importance of social support for meeting health goals.
Share these social media resources to encourage everyone to give their heart the care it deserves.
State-Based Social Media Resources
Share these social media assets on Facebook and Twitter and tag @TheHeartTruth and #OurHearts.
Pre-written Articles for Newsletters
These prewritten drop-in articles can be used in your newsletters, bulletins, blogs, or your website. You can even send them to your local media and ask them to do a story for American Heart Month.
Use this template to write in why you practice self-care for your heart. Then take a selfie on #SelfieSaturday and post it to social media using #OurHearts!
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